3M™ Masking Paper

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Traditional method of surface protection from overspray during paint applications

Cut or tear to size as needed

Surface treated to provide adhesion of overspray

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Tech Data Sheet (PDF, 680KB)

Sīkāka informācija

  • Traditional method of surface protection from overspray during paint applications
  • Cut or tear to size as needed
  • Surface treated to provide adhesion of overspray
  • Best used with 3M™ Masking Tapes

3M™ Masking Paper is a brown masking paper, specifically manufactured for automotive aftermarket applications. It is a traditional product for protecting areas of the vehicle to be protected from paint overspray during collision repair.

3M™ Masking Paper is designed for masking parts of the vehicle when applying primers, coatings and paints typically used in collision repair. The top side surface of the Masking Paper is specially treated to give excellent adhesion to paints, avoiding flaking issues throughout the refinish process. 3M™ Masking Paper is easily cut and fixed with to the car with 3M™ Masking tapes. For safe cutting action, use 3M™ Masking Film Cutter also for paper.

Tipiskas Īpašības


Sazinieties ar mums. Mēs esam šeit, lai palīdzētu.

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Līdzīgie produkti

rc000984471-3m-masking-paper-60cm-x-400-yd-pn06282-cfop_R1.tif3M™ Masking Paper
Overall Width (Metric) 900 Millimeter, 1 150 Millimeter
Overall Thickness (Metric) 0,51 Millimeter
Product Colour Brown
Overall Length (Metric) 500 Millimeter, 400 Meter